The Baltimore Association of Black Journalists’ September 2017 meeting will focus on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The meeting is scheduled September 23, 2017 at The Baltimore Sun, 501 N. Calvert Street.

This “FOIA Refresher” will be lead by journalist turned historian and archivist Wanda Williams and The Baltimore Sun’s health and medicine reporter Andrea McDaniels. These experienced researchers will walk us through FOIA requests and best practices for navigating public records.

There is parking available in the visitor/executive lot next to the building at the corner of Calvert and Centre Streets. Please use the intercom at the entrance. Tell the security guard you are attending the BABJ meeting and they’ll tell you where to park.


Tentative Agenda

11:30 a.m. RECEPTION: Please feel free to come early. We have an 11:30 a.m. reception ready for you. We will begin promptly at noon so that we finish the meeting by 2p.m.

12 p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING: Agenda will be posted closer to event date.

12:30/ 12:45 p.m. SPECIAL SESSION: ‘FOIA Refresher”

